Monday, June 14, 2010

And All This Because??

Ah, the plastic fork. An invention that literally changed the world of culinary utensils. It's sturdy, re-usable, disposal, plastic white structure is the perfect tool to aid in your daily consumption of fruits, veggies, and other nourishments. Needless to say, it was a tool worthy of inventing.
But- since when did they become useful in the home and garden area?
Who needs plastic flamingoes or ugly garden gnomes when we have plastic forks?? So imagine my surprise when I woke up to find 100 of them in my yard! Thank you, magical lawn fairy! Also, imagine my reaction when I had to wake up at 8:39 after staying up past 1 to clean them all up? It was a great morning :)

Flour is something we use everyday, seriously. It's in everything; bread, bagels, cookies, pizza! We basically couldn't live comfortably without it! So guess what, much like the plastic fork, your standard cooking flour now makes a great welcome mat for your home! Observe... The light-weight, fluffy white powder makes for a great "Welcome Home!" to any family or pet!

Until you have to go outside in your pajamas and spray it off with a hose. Until the hose doesn't really do much and your whole driveway is basically stained and crusted in the dried white ooze. Until your previously-comfortable and dry pajama pants are soaked and crusted at the bottom in a standard baking ingredient, turned new foe.

So, thank you, "anonymous" prankers. Sunday morning was a real treat ;)

NOT. All I have to say is that if you're reading this- brace yourselves for extreme payback.

P.S.- the string going everywhere was a classy touch. ;)


  1. And how are we going to Becca back?

  2. that was weak forking....
    I've forked lawns before, and you need many times that number of forks for a good job.
    but the flour idea was pretty creative, i like it.
    sounds hilarious though for sure.
